August 31st, 2009
Ya know that RPG link in the sidebar? The one that leads to a page that says we're going to make an RPG? There's a new
link on that page that leads to a development blog. I'll be posting tidbits of info and screenshots on this blog.
...Oh yeah, the RPG is being worked on.
July 30, 2009
Parts 15 and 16 of the Megaman X6 Let's Play have been added to the player. Yeah, they were supposed to up three weeks
ago, but there was a snag with getting the internet working. Next batch will be up whenever I feel like playing the game again.
June 21, 09
Parts 12-14 of the Megaman X6 Let's Play are up in the player. Also, the next two updates will be delayed to me moving
out of state. Parts 15-20 should be up by the weekend of July 11th along with parts 21-23.
June 14, 2009
Parts 9-11(five videos) are up, just scroll through the player to find 'em. Tune in next week for more.
June 7, 2009
Parts 6-8 of the X6 Playthrough are up. Next three will be up in a week.
EDIT: Deleted all the single videos and replaced them with a custom player that will update when I add more videos to
the proper play list. I'll still post when the next batch of videos is up.
...I'm going to go kick myself for not making a player in the first place.
May 31, 2009
The next two part video is up. The next one will be posted tommorow, and it's one of the longer ones...mainly because
I made so many mistakes and fail on an epic level due to those mistakes.
May 28 2009
There's a new video up. Next one should be up Sunday followed by another on Monday.
May 25, 2009
I'm just crankin' out these videos, aren't I? The next installnet is up in the videos section and it's another two-parter.
The next video(s) should be up around Thursday.
May 22 2009
I fixed the little audio problem I was having, so I felt like uploading the next installment a few days early. I had
to split it in half due YouTube's time limit(which apparently only applies to people who don't bring in more money for them).
The next installment should be up by Monday, and then there should be another on Thursday.
May 20, 2009
No, there's not a new epilogue...yet, but there is a new page on the site. It's appropiately titled 'Videos'. That's
not all, either. Because I love you all so much, I've already added a video to it. If you want to know what it is, then you'll
have to check it out yourself. Here's a hint: it has to do with Megaman X6 and it's a series. Check back next Tuesday or Wednesday
for the next entry.
Before anyone says anything, yes I know there are no sound effects. I need to get another splitter cable to fix that(hopefully).
March 15, 2009
Man, the rebellion is on a roll now! Yet another ep written
by brick can be found in the epilogues section entitled "A monstrous responsibility".
March 13, 2009
Updated with a new epilogue by brick.
March 13, 2009
I figured out what was wrong with the site when Brick's update didn't show up. It's fixed now,
and I also did a couple minor updates to the Links section so the links to our affiliates go to their current sites,
and the affiliate buttons are there in place of text links.
So yeah, we have Zymeth's bio up and the links are updated. Hopefully we'll be back on our
feet with new epilogues soon, so stay tuned~
March 11th, 2009
The Rebellion is no longer missing a member! Introducing Zymeth as our new Metal Shark Player (although his character
is named Zerith). You can go see his profile now. In the meantime, I've been working on the final three or so epilogues of
Season 1, and one is finished, but just needs some finishing touches. It should be up soon, and the others should follow.
I also did some little things around the site like giving our affiliates descriptions (the affiliates section should
be moved shortly, though) and fixing a continuity issue we agreed upon. To make it easier on you, the Rebellion is formed
2 years after the Nightmare Incident, not after the Jakob Incident. And with that, this is Brick, signing out.
Feb, 21, 2009
Brick has returned to the RR's roster
as Shield Sheldon.
Nothing major, just removing the link to the Megaman Teams Wiki since someone saw fit to delete most of it, including
but not limited to everything except the link leading to this site. That'll probably be deleted soon enough. That will teach
me put an effort into something. Meh, no big deal. I've also removed a couple of links that are completely dead.
Since everyone else is either too busy, or has forgotten about the site at the moment, I'm gonna jump the gun and say
we're on some sort of hiatus that will last until whenever. When it ends, expect a post about it. Until then, the few non-team
members who view the site will have to find another source of entertainment. May I suggest Critical Mass, the X5 team? I hear
they're quite awesome.