PROFILE: Commander Yammark

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Reploid Name: Commander Yammark

Real Name: Jeremy "Stardust" Lehn

Sex: I'm underage, but if you're hot... Oh, and I'm a guy.

Special Weapon: Yammark Option

Weakness: Ray Arrow

Force Gem: DragonFly Jewel

Likes: Action movies, RPGs, Root Beer

Dislikes: Jerks and idiots (the annoying kind, not the funny kind like on AFV.)

Bio: Before he became Yammark, Jeremy was just your average computer nerd from the real world. One day, while surfing the internet, he came across a forum which consisted of people who posed as Mega Man characters. He signed onto one called "Reploid Rebellion" under the guise of "Commander Yammark". Afterward, though, he found a strange jewel lying near his house, that's when the change began. Bright green armor formed around his body and mechanized wings attached to where his shoulders once were. When it was over, Jeremy found himself staring at Blaze Heatnix and the other Nightmare Investigators, and suddenly he realized that the Reploid Rebellion was real, and he was now Commander Yammark.

Quote: "Don't...even...ask."

Goal: To become a famous singer or movie star.

* He's a nerd. 'Nuff said.
* He doesn't like heavy metal music much, but will try it if someone insists.
* Yammark DOES have a libido, as he's shown on more than one occasion (see Cupid's On Drugs once it's complete).

Reploid Rebellion is a MegaMan X6 team.
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