Zerith - Metal Shark Player II
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Reploid Name: Metal Shark Player

Real Name: Zerith

Sex: Male

Special Weapon: Metal Anchor

Weakness: Meteor Rain
Force Gem: IronGrave Gem

Likes: Death, macabre subjects, occult mysticism, mechanics, tinkering, philosophy, weapons, and eating.

Dislikes: Being outdoors for long periods of time, being confined, boredom, being yelled at, doors too short for his height, and sour foods.

Hair Color: N/A

Eye Color: Red

Bio: Zerith started his life as a simple junkyard reploid, recycling and reformatting broken parts and sometimes even other reploids. During this time, he developed a sense of philosophy, rebuilding scrapped CPUs and dead reploids. He wondered what happened to the very nature of life, and started going off on his own to study matters of philosophy and nature. Zerith came to believe in an ancient ideal called the wheel of fate. He believes that all life and all consciousness is born from a spiritual energy, which is recycled into the so-called “wheel of fate” where it is then transferred to create new life.

As such, Zerith has developed a morbid curiosity about death and researches, experiments, and tinkers with dead reploid remains, parts, and occasionally even human corpses when he can get his hands on them, legally. He lost his fear of death when he “rediscovered” the wheel of fate, and instead devotes more of his philosophical studies to the nature of the wheel of fate and the actual state of death of itself. He’s also developed quite an interest in the occult. He’s also almost intoxicated with his ability to take life and give it back to other reploids at times, suffering from a bit of a “Frankenstein” complex.

Despite this, he retains a somewhat happy outlook on life, seeing death as something not to be feared, but embraced and studied. As such, he has no real pity for the fallen, and only feels sympathy for those who suffer in life. As such, he sees death as a viable means of alleviating pain. He’s rather optimistic at times despite his somewhat grim demeanor, and tries to be polite and pleasant with those around him, and is more than willing to share his own philosophies and advice with others. Though, his morbid fascinations, hobbies, appearance, and his tendency to fidget or gesture a lot make him seem rather creepy and unpleasant.

Quote: “Death is the true governor of everything. Life breeds death, as death begets life. The wheel of fate keeps turning.”

Goal: Complete his research on the wheel of fate and attain a mastery of death and life.

Worst Fear: Although he doubts it, he fears that his theories may be incorrect, at least as far as reploids are concerned. He fears that reploids are not part of the wheel of fate, though he's usually quick to banish such thoughts from his mind.

-Zerith loves to tinker with scraps and “dead” reploids. He spends a lot of his time messing around with that sort of stuff.
-Due to the structure of his eyes, he’s very far-sighted and often resorts to using only one at a time to read. He also has a hard time seeing things very close to his face.
-He often wears a very heavy black overcoat, partially due to the fact it has pockets and partially due to his fascination with death and death-symbols.
-Zerith has a lot of fidgeting habits, and often has to keep his hands busy doing something to stay comfortable. His favorite method is flipping one of the abundant large, copper coins he keeps with him.
-He carries a bag of copper coins with him in order to create his own calling card. He’ll often leave two coins with any dead bodies he had a hand in making and can’t bring with him, as a tribute to Charon, the ferryman of the River Styx.
-He eats when he gets nervous.
-Zerith rarely ever leaves his anchor anywhere. When he travels he usually has the chain wrapped around his wrist in case he needs a free hand. His anchor also has symbols and icons of death sculpted into it.

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