PROFILE: Infinity Mijinion II

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Reploid Name: Infinity Mijinion

Character Name: Answers to "Shade"; hasn't revealed his full name

Sex: Sure th— I mean, male

Weapons: Ray Arrow, Energy Rain, Bubble Cannon, Energy Burst, Teleportation, Infinity Drive

Weaknesses: Guard Shell, the only weapon that doesn't work! *Attacked by Clair*

Likes: The color blue, Women (very much so), Writing, Drawing, History, Foreign cultures and cuisine, Astronomy, Romanticism

Dislikes: The overly-clingy, Myspace, Zero, All kinds of arthropods

Age: 19

Hair Color: Violet

Eye Color: Violet

Worst Fear: Being sent back to whence he came… wherever that is.

Bio: Nobody other than Shade himself knows the entire story of his origins.  He hasn't felt like talking about his origins yet.

Shade is cultured and well-educated.  He's usually relaxed, dresses casually and isn't that likely to avoid slang.  A harsh word from him is kind of rare.  Shade is generally seen as a chivalrous, good-mannered romantic, but he does seem to hide quite a bit of a sexual desire.

Quote: "For you, madam… *Produces a bouquet of purple roses*"

Goals: To get his horror novels published and to find a more powerful Reploid body to take over.

* Shade can transform to and from a human form.  In human form, Shade's outfits are a bit futuristic and pretty casual, but not really on the sloppy side. He is quite recognizable by the blue-tinted sunglasses that he wears in his hair.
* He refers to the two girls on the team with slightly different names: for Nakori, "Ground Scaravna" (since "-vna" is Russian for "daughter of" whereas "-vich" is Russian for "son of") and for Clair, "Shield Shelly" (or occasionally "Shield Bitch," since he feels threatened by the fact that her range of powers seems almost endless).
* Unbeknownst to any of his teammates, he is looking to steal the position of the Reploid Rebellion's leader.
* Can I talk in the first person now? Thanks. I'm not really planning to eliminate Shift from the team, and obviously Shade isn't my real name (but you can call me "REX"). I'm also Mattrex, the leader of Critical Mass and Ride Boarski on Red Alert.

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