PROFILE: Shield Sheldon II

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Reploid Name: Shield Sheldon

Real Name: Benjamin Errol "Brick" Cemall

Sex: Male

Special Weapon: Guard Shell

Weakness: Metal Anchor

Likes: Television, film, music, being left alone

Dislikes: Disruptions, unnecessary (read: most) work, bringing up the past

Hair Color: Brick is now a personality drive inside of a robot, and does not have hair. But it used to be brown.

Eye Color: Because of the Sheldon Suit, his eyes display as black.

Bio: Born in the last century, Brick has led a turbulent life. In the military as a sonic fighting robot from age 16, he has never been all that mentally sound. Being frozen into a giant turtle robot's body did not help this, and left-over viruses and his mind eventually got to him. After a period of meditation in a series of different bodies, Brick is back, and ready for some good times.

Brick has changed considerably from when he donned the Turtloid armor. Instead of being the typical goofball, he's mellowed out a little, trading some of his sillier aspects for lots of movies, tv, and music. Sometimes his yearning to do nothing gets in the way of actually doing something, but hey, we all have our flaws. He's still ready to go on any madcap adventures the others may be prepping for. Just as long as he has his tunes.

Quote: "Some people believe that nothing is better than an honest day's work. When those people see an episode of "Theodore Trojan: Doctor Lawyer", tell them to give me a call."

Goal: Brick simply wants to find a body that will not give him a virus and force him to go on another long, drawn out period of exile.

Worst Fear: Having certain elements of his past reappear in his life. Elements that should be gone.


*Brick does not like talking about his past, and there are certain elements of it that he's taking to his grave - if he ever has one.

*Brick watches medical dramas especially, his favorite being "Theodore Trojan: Doctor Lawyer".

*Brick loves to sing kareoke, trading godawful opera house music for godawful Thursday night bar music.

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