PROFILE: Metalboy (Ground Scaravich II)

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Reploid Name: Ground Scaravich

Real Name: Metalboy

Sex: Lobster (Male)

Special Weapon: Ground Dash

Weakness: Yammar Option

Force Gem: LandSlide Jewel

Likes: Megaman, Godzilla, Metroid, The Simpsons, Star Wars, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, PSP, and other video games.

Dislikes: Racists, Country music, Oranges, and Racing games. (Boring)

Bio: When Haukura used the LandSlide Jewel to open a dimensional portal and return to his own world, the Force Gem also opened up another portal, unbeknownst to Haukura or the rest of the team. out of this portal came Metalboy, a mild-mannered (mostly) Reploid from an alternate version of 21XX. When he was found by Heatnix and the others, he decided to join the team as the new Ground Scaravich. He later went on a secret vacation, sticking a random hobo in his room as a placeholder. After mistaking the man (who died from the paint fumes in Metalboy's still-unfinished room) for Metalboy himself, they gave the job to Nakori, a female Maverick Hunter. After returning, he decided to let Nakori keep the job and became a free agent. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

Quote: "How deep you wanna be buried?"

Goal: Become a game designer.

* Metalboy loves to play MMMHX on his PSP.
* Metalboy will talk about anything he finds interesting.
* Metalboy crazy he is. Yes.

Reploid Rebellion is a MegaMan X6 team.
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